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Module Synopsis
This module intends to introduce the history, theory and current issues of conservation practice in Malaysia and beyond. Exploration of theories of what, how and why we conserve will be emphasize in order  to understand current conservation practise and issues.
Project 1: Mini Seminar 
This project will required us to conduct a ‘mini seminar’ that will discuss on issues in relation to architectural conservation. This exercise iallowed us to express or share opinions on any issue pertaining to architectural conservation in Malaysia. On top of that, this task developed our knowledge in  and raising awareness on architectural conservation mainly in Malaysia. Prior to conducting this seminar, we were able to identify issues in relation to architectural conservation and collecting  findings from individual research. This project gained our exposure on current issue and debate on architectural conservation in Malaysia while increasing our awareness and understanding on the importance of architectural conservation to the nation’s heritage and economy.
Project 2 : Adaptive Reuse Proposal ( Jalan Raja Chulan)
This project required us to propose for potential new usage for building conservation. In a group of 6, we conducted our research to investigate and observe practices and approaches on architecture conservation in Malaysia at Jalan Raja Chulan where there is a stretch of old shophouses along the street.
The following are the required tasks:
1. Preliminary investigation (building owner, historical, architectural and social background)
2. To conduct a dilapidation survey (on the selected historical building)
3. Information compilation from task 1 & 2.
4. To propose for adaptive reuse for conservation.
This project  developed my understanding and appreciation on adaptive reuse approach on architectural conservation in Malaysia.
 There are many advantages to using certain sites for redevelopment.  I've also  learned that architectural conservation is very important to retain the cultural significance of a place which can be tangible or intangible. It is not just about retaining the physical values of the site, but also the memories behind it, social, political, culture and also, the ambience of its context. It is a value which can be handed down the generations so that newer generations can always take note from the past. Conserving heritage site also shows our sensitivity towards the past. Like many other countries, building conservation seems like a fairly new practice where rapid urbanization has been the norm nowadays.  Adaptive reuse can restore an old building not only for new use, but also for the community to continue appreciating the site’s historical significance and maintain links to the past. Even though an old building might not have been a remarkable piece of architecture during the time it was built, it can still hold a cultural significance because of the memories the community associates with it. Replacing historical sites with new structures might feel alien to the existing neighbourhood. But with adaptive reuse, developers can preserve a historical site and build complementary structures around it.
Proposal for Adaptive Reuse:-
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