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The subject aims to develop an understanding of the principles of building preservation/conservation and the methods of recording it in three documentation methods; measured drawings, written documentation and photographic documentation. The ideas of application and management of architectural historic documentation will be presented as part of the overall knowledge of building preservation/conservation. For measured drawings, students are to document historically and architecturally significant buildings in the form of as-built drawings. The task requires 10 to 20 students per group that involve fieldworks consisting of measuring techniques such as photographing, sketching, using of theodolite and measuring tapes. The outcomes of the subject are collection of plans, section, elevations, details and axonometric views / models; complemented with a report that explains about the background, history, concept, style construction technics and ornamentation of the building




Project 1 : Onsite Observation Journal & Video (Individual & group)

This project is an on-site exercise where students have to document the physical and the immediate context of the site. It can be from an element as broad as the urban planning itself down to the smallest detail of the ornaments used in the building.

Project 2 : Building Report & Photo book (Group)

An additional document that accompanies the set of drawings for the building that is measured during the semester. Elaborating the significance of the building measured from various aspects such as architectural, historical and cultural.

Project 3: Measured Drawings and Model (Individual & Group)

This project will be carried out throughout the semester where are assigned to measure and document a historical / architecturally significant or heritage building and translate all the data into a set of drawings. Apart from doing the measuring exercise on site, students will also need to do additional research in order to piece together all the important data about the building. The model will provide additional physical information of the building

Project 1 : Onsite Observation Journal(individual)

Melaka and its colourful architecture 

Project 1 : Video (group)

This video was recorded during out visit to Fwu Chang Souvenir shop. 

It captures the history and cultural values of the site and how its been adapted into the architecture. 

Project 2 : Building report and photobook

Documentation of the significance of the building to accompany the measured drawings which includes the architectural historic documents, architectural cultural heritage and the relationship between architecture and the significance of the building as well as its inhabitation

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Project 3 :Drawings and model

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